Why Are The Indian Online Law Courses So Much Demand ?

India ranks the first position for those people who want a child with the help of surrogacy. In the year 2002 Government has officially announced that in India one can have a surrogate child through private means. But in many cases, it has been seen that the procedure of surrogacy is not legal. Instead, it has been taken by many people as a means of income, and they are involved in trading. The cheap rate of the surrogate procedure has invited people from the foreign lands, and in many cases, doctors were also found to be guilty. Therefore an amendment to this law is in need to safe and the child and the mother. The process needs to adopt a child in India A woman who is not able to conceive looks for adopting a child. This child adoption is done either through surrogacy or through adopting a child from the NGO’s. According to the Surrogacy laws in India , the name of the woman who has conceived the child is not highlighted. Only the name of those people who have adopted the child cam...