
Showing posts from August, 2017

Law Skills Offer Online Legal Learning Programs

LawSkills India offer highly interactive, content rich, well-researched & case-studies based law courses. Its  coveted certifications carries immense weight before global Industry, law firms, In-House legal departments, government bodies and public sectors, as these courses are made and provided by former judges, general counsels, partner(s), law firms and academicians. Law Skills bridges the skill gaps between what is being taught in Indian law schools or in any Indian law institute, by offering online law course in different disciplines.  Through several law courses are being offered by us, we take pride in imparting practical knowledge for each and every law course that being offered.  We offer online certificate in property registration liability in India along with case study and based approach of learning which not being taught by any law course in India or even by correspondence law courses. Our course in law is exclusively planned by senior faculty me...